HNIG’s mission to act as the voice of community Health Nurses influencing the health care system, and health and social policy in areas which affect the work of Community Health Nurses and the public we serve.
CHNIG goals are to influence health and social policy, taking into consideration the social determinants of health. Build capacity in Community Health Nurses. Strengthen the profile of CHNs and articulate the significance of their practice. Promote, engage and maximize membership in CHNIG. Promote engage and maximize student involvement in community health nursing and CHNIG.
The Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Research Award will be given to Registered Nurses who have been members of the Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group for at least one year, and are pursing research in community health nursing at the masters or doctoral level in an academic setting. The award can also be given to any community health nurses who is a member of CHNIG for at least a year, who wishes to undertake research in a clinical setting.