Types of Donations

Honorific Donations
RNFOO gratefully receives donations given to honour an individual on a special occasion such as retirement, graduation, or other achievement. We are happy to facilitate this kind of donation by providing information and/or materials that can be made available for gatherings, published in newsletters, or distributed with invitations. Honorific donations are collected in the Tribute Fund, which funds the RNFOO Tribute Scholarship described below.
Memorial Donations
Many donations are made in memory of individuals who have had significant connection to the nursing profession. We are happy to facilitate this kind of donation by providing information and/or materials that can be made available through funeral homes, and/or circulated among friends and family of the deceased. Memorial donations are collected in the Tribute Fund, which funds the RNFOO Tribute Scholarship described below.
Tribute Award
The RNFOO Tribute Award is made available through donations received to honour or in memory of individuals over the prior year. The Scholarship is open to nursing students (PN and BScN programs) who have completed at least 50% of the program in which they are registered, who demonstrate excellence in clinical nursing care, and who describe a strong commitment to their future professional goals.
Any kind of special donation can be made by credit card through the Donate Now link on this website. Organizers of these special collections should contact the RNFOO office so that the designation can be listed for all donors to see.
Alternatively, cheques can be sent to the RNFOO office, or donors can call the office during regular business hours to process credit card donations by phone. Income tax receipts will be issued for all donations received, and wherever possible, the person being honored, or the family of the person being remembered, will be notified of the gift.
Tribute Recognition
We are grateful to all who make contributions to the Tribute Fund. The following people have been honoured or remembered through donations to the RNFOO Tribute Fund. Donations to the Tribute Fund can be made through any of the Donate Now buttons on the website, or by contacting the RNFOO office.
In Memory of
Mary Justice, RN
Oressa McConney, RN
Crystal Whitter, RPN
Gordon Manuel
In Honour of
Michelle Pearce