As a registered charity, RNFOO depends on donations to enable us to provide support to nurses and nursing students, and to manage the programs that allow us to distribute the awards fairly and in keeping with the wishes of the donors. Credit card donations can be made through the Donate Now* button.
Donations may also be made by funds transfer directed to, or by mailing a cheque to RNFOO 7270 Woodbine Ave, Suite 305, Markham, ON L3R 4B9.
*On-line donations are made through Canada Helps, an organization that processes donations and provides tax receipts for charities like RNFOO.
Leaving a Bequest
Donating through your Will, often means a donor can make a donation far more substantial than they ever could during their lifetime. RNFOO can be designated to receive a specific donation from your estate, or you can name RNFOO as a benefactor of a portion of the residue of your Estate (what remains after taxes, administrative expenses and distribution of specific gifts).
Donating Securities
RNFOO is able to receive donations of securities. Contact the office for information on how to process this type of donation.
Sponsoring a Scholarship
Donors wishing to fund a named scholarship, perhaps in memory of someone, or to draw attention to a specific area of nursing, are encouraged to contact the Foundation office to review possibilities.