At the Gala in May 2006, Beverley Moir was presented with an Honourary Life Membership in recognition of her leadership and commitment to the Registered Nurses Foundation of Ontario.
Bev Moir was an active member of a small group of individuals who led the revitalization of the RNFOO in the mid to late 1990s. Bev served as the 1998 Gala Fund-raising Co-Chair with Kay Arpin and together they and their planning team launched the successful annual Gala, which continues today to be the centerpiece of the Foundation’s fund-raising activities… and a not-to-be-missed annual event that nurses and friends of nursing look forward to each spring.
Beginning in October 1998, Bev served for 6 years on the Foundation’s Executive team as Vice-President, President and Past President. In these roles Bev brought a great deal of energy, commitment, innovative ideas and enthusiasm to her Board work. In particular, her role in helping the Foundation to focus on its fund-raising activities was instrumental in laying the base for more financial stability for the Foundation and for the larger and more numerous awards and scholarships available today.
Bev was also helpful to the organization in recruiting corporate sponsorship for the Gala, attracting new Board members, and hiring the first Administrative Coordinator. She led the formalization of the name and logo change and created the annual Visioning process and the first Strategic Plan for the re-invigorated RNFOO.
Bev is a Senior Investment Executive and Financial Planner with ScotiaMcLeod and highly respected in her industry. She is a Certified Investment Management Analyst and a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute. Before entering the financial services industry, Bev worked for many years in health care including a period as Director of Administration at The Hospital for Sick Children where she served from 1987 to 1991. A graduate of Queens University BScN program, she earned a Masters in Health Services Administration from the University of Alberta. Her career includes many varied nursing and patient care administrative roles.dating back to the late 70’s.
Bev has served for several years on the boards of Sunnybrook and Women’s College Health Sciences Centre and Women’s College Hospital. She continues to serve as a Governing Council Member of the Sunnybrook & Women’s College Hospital Foundation. In her personal life, Bev is the proud mother of eighteen-year-old James. In October 2005, as part of Jean’s Marines, she completed her first 26 mile run, the Washington Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, DC.
We are pleased to welcome Bev to this wonderful group of accomplished, generous and dedicated volunteers and thank her so much for her visionary leadership. As a result of the dedication and commitment of the Foundations’ Board of Directors, Honourary Life Members, and Volunteers, and the many generous donations received from Donors, the RNFOO is able to provide more and better scholarships to the many Ontario women and men who are advancing their nursing education each year… education that ultimately makes such a difference to the delivery of high quality health care to Canadians.