The Board of Directors of RNFOO mourn the death of Dorothy Wylie on August 13, 2016. In recognition of her contributions to nursing and to RNFOO, Dorothy was presented with an Honorary Life Membership in 2007. Dorothy will be remembered as a nurse who invested in nurses and nursing, making significant contributions to the development of strong nursing leaders in Ontario and beyond.
A Celebration of Dorothy’s Life took place on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 4:00 pm, at the Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto. As per the obituary notice, donations to RNFOO can be made here in honour of Dorothy Wylie.
RNFOO Honorary Life Membership is given to honour an individual who has made a significant contribution to the foundation’s work over time. Dorothy Wylie was presented with this award at the Gala in May 2007.
Dorothy has been recognized as a leader in the nursing community within Ontario and across the country. As a renowned teacher, mentor, coach and visionary leader, she is committed to education, learning and to the advancement of nursing practice.A graduate of St. Michael’s Hospital School of Nursing in Toronto, Dorothy completed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from New York University, and a Master of Arts from Columbia University. Later in her career, Dorothy commuted on weekends to Washington DC to complete a Master of Science in Human Resource Development at American University. These academic achievements illustrate the value that Dorothy places on education for nurses. Dorothy’s extensive leadership experience includes roles at Scarborough Centenary Hospital, Sunnybrook Medical Centre, the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and the Toronto General Hospital, now part of the University Health Network. At the time of her retirement as Vice President of Nursing at the Toronto General in 1987, Dorothy was widely respected as a mentor, promoter of excellence in nursing practice and an advocate for the nursing profession.
In addition, Dorothy has served as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto, Assistant Professor at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Nursing, and President of the College of Nurses of Ontario. As a founding member of the Provincial Nurse Administrators’ Interest Group in Ontario, and volunteer editor of the Canadian Journal of Nursing Administration, she was influential in ensuring that nursing leaders have ready access to leading edge knowledge of leadership research and practices.
Although Dorothy has been retired for a number of years, she continues to share her wisdom, time and many talents with volunteer organizations. Dorothy was an RNFOO Board Member from 1999-2003, and was instrumental in developing new systems to strengthen RNFOO as a revitalized and evolving charitable organization. As Chair of the Communications Committee, she led a team to rejuvenate the newsletter – the major venue for keeping our donors regularly informed of RNFOO activities and laid the groundwork for developing RNFOO’s first web site. Then as Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee, she designed and implemented important new systems and structures to further strengthen the work of the Board. Dorothy was and continues to be an active and strong supporter of the Gala, RNFOO’s Signature Event.
Many will recognize her name associated with the Dorothy M. Wylie Nursing Leadership Institute. At the Institute, carrying on Dorothy’s pioneering vision, current and emerging health care leaders work to accomplish core leadership competencies appropriate to leading current and future knowledge workers in our complex health care organizations.
Dorothy’s significant contributions over the years truly exemplify her as a nurse who invests in nurses and nursing and as such, make her truly deserving of RNFOO’s Honorary Life Membership.