The deadline for submitting applications for 2024 RNFOO Academic Awards has passed. The list of winners can be found in our News update.

The information below remains available for any nurses or nursing students who may be interested in applying for the 2025 Academic Awards. While some awards may change, and some details may be adjusted, the process will be very similar. The application process opens in late November; applications must be completed by late January.

Are you eligible?

RNFOO Awards and Scholarships are available to:

  • Nurses registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario (including nurses registered in graduate level programs)
  • Students registered in practical nursing programs approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario
  • Students registered in baccalaureate nursing programs accredited by CASN and approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario
  • Preference will be given to residents of Ontario
  • Applicants must have a Canadian Social Insurance Number

If you meet the criteria above, you should read the following information carefully. The guidelines and links to further documents will tell you how to successfully complete the application process:

  • Review the 2024 Guide to Eligibility to ensure that there are scholarships that match your program.
  • The on-line portion of the application must be completed by 4 pm EST on Monday, January 22, 2024
  • All supplementary documents (transcripts and letters of reference) must be received in the RNFOO office by 4 pm EST on Monday, February 5, 2024 for your application to be considered. This deadline will not be extended.

Tips for Success

  • You can complete your application over multiple online work sessions
  • All components of your application must be in English
  • Watch the recording of the How to Apply webinar session or review the slide deck.  This session has valuable information that will strengthen your application.
  • Read the description of the application review process that will be followed by the RNFOO Awards & Scholarship Committee


Use the button below or from the Annual Awards page to register and pay the annual, non-refundable application processing fee of $30. Only one fee is required per applicant, this covers all of the awards for which you are applying. Instructions for accessing your application will be sent to you with the confirmation of your payment. (If you don’t receive this, check your junk mail folder.)

Sections of the Application

  1. Personal Information:
    Ensure that all information is entered correctly. Note that all required fields must be completed before you can move on to the next section.

  2. Academic Program Information:
    Provide all details about your current program and other education. The information provided here determines which scholarships you will be able to apply for.
    Applicants must provide documentation proving CURRENT (i.e. in the Winter 2024 term) enrollment in a recognized program.
    Applicants must submit OFFICIAL transcripts for their current program of study (which must include grades for Fall 2023 term), and for all previous nursing studies. Transcripts must be sent directly from issuing institutions, or through services contracted by the institution to provide official transcripts to or by mail to 4261 Highway 7 East, Suite A14-364, Markham, ON L3R 9W6. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted.
    Note that transcripts must be in our office by Monday, February 5, 2024.
    Graduate level students who have applied for RNFOO scholarships in previous years may contact the RNFOO office to see if transcripts from previously completed programs are on file.

  3. References:
    Ensure that you have asked two people to submit reference letters on your behalf. It will help if you give them enough time for this task: begin well before the deadline. Note that letters must be sent to, and must be in our office by Monday, February 5, 2024. You are also asked to provide contact information for your referees on the application.
    Reference Letter Guidelines (be sure to share these with your referees)

  4. Career:
    The statement of your career goals weighs heavily in the scoring of your application.
    Based on feedback from reviewers, this year all applicants must provide a resume.
    Career Statement Tips
    Resume Tips – Practical Nursing
    Resume Tips – Undergraduate
    Resume Tips – Graduate

  5. Selecting Scholarships to Apply for:
    Once you have entered details about your academic program and your status with CNO, you will only see the scholarships that match your program and CNO status. Of the scholarships you can can see, you must determine the ones for which you meet the other criteria (showing commitment to a particular nursing specialty, holding membership in an interest group, etc). 
    You will be required to explain your qualifications for each award that you choose to apply for (50 – 100 words per award). Without this explanation, you will not be considered for the scholarship. Remember that applying for scholarships for which you don’t meet the criteria doesn’t look good.

    2024 Academic Scholarships Brochure
    Instructions for Explanations of Qualifications