1 award of $2,500 (Graduate Level)
Qualifying programs: Graduate Degree Masters, Graduate Degree PhD

Award Description

Sponsored by SE Health to support a Registered Nurse who is studying diversity at the graduate level. Applicants should demonstrate that their studies are focused on equity and inclusion in the nursing field.


Nancy Lefebre of Saint Elizabeth Health Care, and Rhonda Seidman-Carlson of RNAO introduced the Dr. Joan Lesmond Memorial Scholarship at the 2012 RNFOO Gala. “The untimely death of our friend and colleague Joan Lesmond has left a significant hole in our hearts and in our work. However, I know that Joan would be extremely pleased about this award, created in her honour.”

Honoree background

Diversity was a passion of Joan’s as an individual, a healthcare professional, and leader. It was also the focus of her doctoral work. Joan worked tirelessly to educate professionals, new graduates and students about the importance of a cultural competency and the value of diversity, and so it is very fitting that this award is focused on diversity.

People who knew Joan, remember that she loved Country & Western music. One of her favourite country singers was Johnny Reid. The lyrics of his song Today I’m Going to Try and Change the World speaks to Joan’s passion and approach to life and all she stood for:

I’m gonna say hello to my neighbor
Greet him with a smile
Shake the hand of a stranger
Sit and talk for a while
Tell someone I love them
From the bottom of my heart
Today I’m gonna try and change the world

Previous Award Winners