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2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Alain Lipowicz
Ryerson University
RNFOO Gala Baccalaureate Scholarship
Alexandra Harris
University of Toronto
Dorothy Monteith Scholarship
Amanda Mathieu
Margaret Myers Diabetes Clinical Practice Award (DNIG)
Anne Moulton
University of Toronto
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Award
Aynsley Young
Ryerson University
SE Health H.O.P.E. Scholarship
Bahar Karbalaei
Ontario Tech University
RNFOO Gala Baccalaureate Scholarship
Barbara Chyzzy
University of Toronto
Maternal Child Nurses’ Interest Group (MCNIG) Scholarship – Doctorate
Brittany Herd
Laurentian University
Elsevier Canada Book Award
Caitlin McCullough
Ryerson University
RNFOO Gala Graduate Scholarship
Chi Wing Yeung
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Colleen Youngs
Ryerson University
RNFOO Gala Graduate Scholarship
Crystal McLeod
Sonia Varaschin Memorial Scholarship
Deidre Bainbridge
University of Toronto
Hildegarde E. Peplau Award (MHNIG)
Diandra Leane
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Elisa Simpson
University of Toronto
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Erica Bridgwater
University of Toronto
Jennifer Award
Erin Telegdi
University of Toronto
Halton RNAO Chapter Scholarship
Heather Thomson
University of Toronto
Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG) Scholarship
Jane van de Ven-Dantes
Queen's University
Sheela Basrur and GE Oncology Nursing Education Scholarship
Jillian Tobin
University of Toronto
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Joanne Crawford
University of Toronto
Sheela Basrur and GE Oncology Nursing Education Scholarship
Jodi Couture
University of Toronto
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
Jordi Cumber
University of Ottawa
Pearson Book Award
Karen Campbell
Ryerson University
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Educational Scholarship
Karolina Gielarowiec
Ryerson University
RNFOO Gala Baccalaureate Scholarship
Kylie Teggart
McMaster University
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Book Award
Larissa Beney
McMaster University
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
lhamo Dolkar
Ryerson University
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Ma’Anne Borreta
Ryerson University
Margaret Avery Memorial Scholarship
Margaret Saari
University of Toronto
Dorothy Monteith Scholarship
Margaret-Hope McDermott
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Marianne Rowland
Ryerson University
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Book Award
Mary Michalski
Ontario Tech University
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Megan Laan
Queen's University
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Research Award
Michelle Richardson
Brock University
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Monika Dalmacio
University of Toronto
Pearson Book Award
Natasha Cassel
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Neil Angelie Fogata
Ryerson University
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Book Award
Oluwabukola Salami
University of Toronto
Dorothy Ferguson Scholarship
Patricia Yu Howatt
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Ping Zou
University of Toronto
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Research Award
Rebekah Barrett
Athabasca University
Maternal Child Nurses’ Interest Group (MCNIG) Scholarship – Nurse Practioner
Roya Haghiri-Vijeh
Ryerson University
Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG) Scholarship
Sarah Beanlands
University of Ottawa
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Sarah Pirani
McMaster University
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Educational Scholarship
Seraphina McAlister
University of Ottawa
Bernice Read Nursing Scholarship
Sharon Munawa
Ryerson University
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Susan Bookey-Bassett
McMaster University
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Award
Susannah Handley
Ryerson University
Joan Lesmond Memorial Scholarship
Tammy Calabrese
University of Toronto
Prenatal & Parenthood Education Services Scholarship
Tina Cheung
Ryerson University
Julie Hall Scholarship for Neuroscience Nursing
Wei Wang
Ontario Tech University
Mary Brunning Harkin Scholarship
Wendy Laframboise
University of Toronto
Donna Kettyle Award (OARN)
Winnie Sun
University of Toronto
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Research Award