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2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002
Aaron Antonio
York University
Mary Brunning Harkin Scholarship
Alana Devereaux
University of Ottawa
RNFOO Infection Prevention and Control Research Award
Alexandra Harris
University of Toronto
Dorothy Ferguson Scholarship
Alexandra Lucas
Sheridan College
RNFOO Tribute Award
Aliya Visram Jaffer
University of Toronto
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
Amanda McIntyre
Fanshawe College
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Amanda Ottley
University of Toronto
Diabetes Nursing Interest Group (DNIG) Scholarship
Amber Brophy
Nipissing University
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Book Award
Amy Wright
McMaster University
Maternal Child Nurses’ Interest Group (MCNIG) Scholarship – Doctorate
Prenatal & Parenthood Education Services Research Award
Anda Botezatu
University of Toronto
Sheela Basrur and GE Oncology Nursing Education Scholarship
Andra Jejeran
University of Toronto
RNFOO Tribute Award
Annie Lam
McMaster University
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Educational Scholarship
Ashley Desrosiers
University of Ottawa
Jennifer Award
Bahar Karbalaei
Ontario Tech University
RNFOO Gala Baccalaureate Scholarship
Barbara Chyzzy
University of Toronto
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Research Award
Breanne Anderson
McMaster University
Jennifer Award
Brittney Sheldrick
Nipissing University
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Bronwyn Lapp
Ryerson University
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Cassandra Canales
Ontario Tech University/Durham College
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Catherine Larocque
University of Ottawa
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Chantal McCutcheon
McMaster University
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Chantelle Nielson
University of Toronto
Jennifer Award
Chi Wing Yeung
Ryerson University
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Book Award
Christopher Loewen
University of Toronto
Jennifer Award
Connie Cameron
University of Toronto
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
Crystal Bignell
Ontario Tech University/Durham College
Jennifer Award
Da Mi Kim
Centennial College
WeRPN: RPN Program Award
Dexter Endozo
University of Toronto
RNFOO Infection Prevention and Control Educational Scholarship
Donna Brown
Maternal Child Nurses’ Interest Group (MCNIG) Scholarship – Doctorate
Ellen Buck-McFadyen
McMaster University
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Educational Scholarship
Elysia Roechner
McMaster University
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Emily Read
University of Western Ontario
Jennifer Award
Gillian Strudwick
University of Toronto
Dorothy Monteith Scholarship
Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG) Scholarship
Greeshma Jacob
Prenatal & Parenthood Education Services Scholarship
Guijeong Kim
University of Western Ontario
Mary Brunning Harkin Scholarship
Hania Siddiqui
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Hazel Capiral
York University
RNFOO Scholarship for Internationally Educated Nurses
Heather Lithgow
Ryerson University
Miriam Bracken Award
Heather Thomson
University of Toronto
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Award
Holly Frederick
Ryerson University
Miriam Bracken Award
Holly Smither
Ryerson University
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Holly Tschirhart
McMaster University
Maternal Child Nurses’ Interest Group (MCNIG) Scholarship – Master’s
Idevania Costa
Queen's University
Ontario Nursing Informatics Group (ONIG) Scholarship
Jacqueline Galica
University of Toronto
Sheela Basrur and GE Oncology Nursing Education Scholarship
Janelle Arthurs
University of Ottawa
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Janine Iley
Nipissing University
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Jillian Chandler
University of Toronto
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Joshua Fraser
Lakehead University
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Judy Buchan
Ryerson University
Prenatal & Parenthood Education Services Scholarship
Kadeen Briscoe
York University
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Research Award
Karen Campbell
Ryerson University
Maternal Child Nurses’ Interest Group (MCNIG) Scholarship – Master’s
Karen Foell
Ontario Tech University/Durham College
Regina Borowska Scholarship
WeRPN: Post RPN Program Award
Kate Gent
University of Toronto
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
Katherine Nunes
University of Toronto
RNFOO Infection Prevention and Control Educational Scholarship
Katherine Rentschler
Ryerson University
Halton RNAO Chapter Scholarship
Kathryn Nichol
University of Ottawa
Sheela Basrur and GE Oncology Nursing Education Scholarship
Kimberly Belluz
Lakehead University
Julie Hall Scholarship for Neuroscience Nursing
Kimberly Brigden
Centennial College
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Kristine Newman
University of Toronto
Donna Kettyle Award (OARN)
Laura Crich
Western University
Sonia Varaschin Memorial Scholarship
Laura Krajnjan
Centennial College
RNFOO Gala Baccalaureate Scholarship
Laura Reany
Nipissing University
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Leigh Chapman
University of Toronto
Dorothy Ferguson Scholarship
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Award
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Award
Linda Liu
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Lindsay Jibb
Toronto General Hospital, School of Nursing Alumnae Association Scholarship
Lisa Gurman
University of Toronto
Margaret Myers Diabetes Clinical Practice Award (DNIG)
Mary Ann Murphy Memorial Diabetes Award (DNIG)
Lisa Ye
University of Toronto
Julie Hall Scholarship for Neuroscience Nursing
Mary Smith
University of Victoria
Joan Lesmond Memorial Scholarship
Mary Sylvester
Western University
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Melinda Wall
University of Toronto
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Educational Scholarship
Melissa Northwood
McMaster University
Mary Ann Murphy Memorial Diabetes Award (DNIG)
Natasha Bath
University of Toronto
Evelyn Cameron Memorial Bursary (PedNIG)
Oona St-Amant
University of Western Ontario
Bernice Read Nursing Scholarship
Philiz Goh
University of Toronto
Sheela Basrur and GE Oncology Nursing Education Scholarship
Ping Zou
University of Toronto
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Research Award
Raluca Moldovan
York University
RNFOO Scholarship for Internationally Educated Nurses
Rebecca Ganann
McMaster University
Bernice Read Nursing Scholarship
Prenatal & Parenthood Education Services Research Award
Rhea Crowther
Trent University
Jennifer Award
Sakina Abbas
Ryerson University
RNFOO Gala Graduate Scholarship
Sally Baerg
York University
Nursing Research Interest Group (NRIG) Award
Sandra Czekajlo
Centennial College
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Sanja Visekruna
University of Toronto
Margaret Myers Diabetes Clinical Practice Award (DNIG)
Sara Henderson
Ontario Tech University/Durham College
Regina Borowska Scholarship
Sarah Benbow
Hildegarde E. Peplau Award (MHNIG)
Sarah Jennison
McMaster University
SE Health H.O.P.E. Scholarship
Sarah Xiao
University of Toronto
Dorothy Monteith Scholarship
Sauvé Cressman
McMaster University
Provincial Nurse Educators Interest Group (PNEIG) Award
Shannon Keast
University of Toronto
Jennifer Award
Sharon Munawa
Ryerson University
Margaret Avery Memorial Scholarship
Shauna Watson
University of Toronto
RNFOO Undergraduate Scholarship
Shawna Kelly
University of Toronto
Julie Hall Scholarship for Neuroscience Nursing
Sherry Daigle
University of Newcastle
Donna Kettyle Award (OARN)
Susan Bookey-Bassett
McMaster University
SE Health H.O.P.E. Scholarship
Tara Tourloukis
Brandon University
Hildegarde E. Peplau Award (MHNIG)
Terry Holland
Athabasca University
Elsevier Canada Book Award
Vanna Kazazian
Ryerson University
Jennifer Award
Winnie Sun
University of Toronto
Community Health Nurses’ Initiative Group (CHNIG) Research Award
RNFOO Gala Graduate Scholarship
Zamin Ladha
University of Toronto
Jennifer Award